Co-Fucked 19!

Nemit Ghosalkar
4 min readMay 27, 2020

Started in China in Dec. 2019, and emerged as a Global Pandemic, this Corona Virus is going to change human behaviour for years now. I don’t think Life will just return to normal immediately even if we get a vaccine.

Well, the reason is simple, we have figured out that we can be happy in our homes even without all those luxurious expenses we make on a daily basis. After staying home for 5–6 months & still able to finish your daily job productively, people are going to think twice before making even the smallest of expenditure, like “Do I even need this now?”

This thinking is going to put a major impact on us as well as the Economy!

So I thought of writing a small list of what & how things will possibly be in a post COVID world -

1. Importance of Personal Finance:

A lot of people are going to come out of this pandemic with understanding how important it is to ‘plan your finances’. We are seeing a lot of people suffering as the entire economy is closed & they don’t have any source to earn money, watching them just makes us realize how important it is to manage your money well.

(A simple trick I learned for saving money was, Have 2 Bank Accounts & every month when you receive your Salary/Pocket Money put 15–20% of it in the other account & don’t touch it unless it’s a do or die situation.)

Just track your Expenses, every single one you make & just put a few seconds of thinking in it & soon you will be like “why the hell am I spending my money here?”

2. Education:

This is probably the most impacted sector in the list, as everyone will be home quarantined for more than 6 months, people are starting to realize that they don’t need to depend on school or college to teach them something.

Literally, everything is available on the internet for free & the old school thought of “ I’ll let the teacher cover this first & only then I’ll start” is limiting yourself from the possible knowledge you can reach to on the internet & that ‘waiting’ is also a time waste for you.

Even paying a ‘Heavy Fee’ just to attend online classes, doesn’t make any sense, because Youtube already has those same lectures for free. (from the world’s best teachers) This is going to have a major impact on the next academic year’s admission because college currently charges us for infrastructure & lab facilities which we will not be using & if they ask for those same fees even in the lockdown, people will simply refuse to pay.

Also, the Network effect will be missing. You must have realized that attending a zoom session is not the same as sitting next to someone in the class & learning something. You won’t be able to make new friends, interact with someone on any particular topic, or might never even know who all are in your class. You just won’t be able to build a good connection with people.

Thus I don’t think any sane person will ever spend lakhs of rupees on online college lectures. People post COVID people will be much more self-dependent for learning anything instead of relying on teachers.

3. Impact on Jobs:

Millions of jobs are affected globally due to this pandemic-

122 million Indians lost their jobs in April, the unemployment rate is now at a record high of 27.1%

The U.S. economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April, the unemployment rate surging to 14.7%

This is just the data of 2 countries, still horrifying though!

With so many people losing their jobs & economy not getting back in shape anytime sooner, millions of youth are going to suffer due to this. The only possible solution that comes in the picture is being multi-skilled. Learning the Technical Skills that top companies actually care about like Coding, Designing, Animation, Marketing, Finance (the creative ones that will be automated at the end) Being great at these skills might actually save you your job.

Also, the good thing about this pandemic is a lot of big tech giants are asking their employees to permanently Work From Home. If that stays this way it’s a great thing for India because American Tech Companies will then look for cheap employees in other countries instead of costly Americans and many Indians will be able to get a good paying job in Silicon Valley.

4. Cooking:

Cooking looks weird in the list but it’s true. Learning to cook is actually a necessity that most people didn’t realize until now. Just learning this one skill can actually save you thousands per month. Many people who stay alone hire maids to cook, some depend on their mess, which might be cheap but in lockdown when none of this is available, knowing how to cook becomes a necessity. Also, you cannot rely on Zomato or Swiggy for daily meals because spending 200–300 rupees on a single meal is super expensive.

Hence learning to cook is important, even if it is just the basics like Dal & Rice. There is no need to learn fancy things because that’s not something you would prefer to eat on a daily basis. Many people are actually realizing this & are trying to learn Cooking.

5. Can’t Rely on Government:

If you still haven’t realized the fact that the government won’t do shit for you, then probably you are still dreaming! Government is just not capable enough to tackle such kind of a disaster. But many fans still believe that the government will help revive the economy, give some kind of a stimulus check & etc. But none of that will happen in reality, we are on our own!

So stop relying on the government, Stop listening to some stupid bhakts, Government can’t just print money to help us all & just probably once this all ends people will realize that thinking about politicians is just a time waste.

Thank You

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